set:~/images> compare Attempting to read /home/brudy/images/img1.pgm and /home/brudy/images/img2.pgm Warning: (pnmReadHeader) Maxval is not 255, but 63 ncols 320 nrows 240 maxval 63 Warning: (pnmReadHeader) Maxval is not 255, but 63 ncols 320 nrows 240 maxval 63 Images successfully read. Their size is 320 by 240 Matching scanlines independently... scanline 0 scanline 50 scanline 100 scanline 150 scanline 200 Done. Independent processing took 2.3 seconds of processor time. Postprocessing disparity map... Done. Postprocessing took 0.6 seconds of processor time. Total processor time was 3.0 seconds. Writing to dm.pgm and dd.pgm