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BeeSoft User's Guide and Reference

6.1 Starting the BeeSoft Simulator

simulator, the command you’ll type to start up the BeeSoft Simulator™ gives you the choice of using optional command line arguments to specify various run-time parameters. These are:

-help : Displays help messages
-map{filename}: Loads the description of the environment you want your simulated robot to operate in.
-ini: Loads an initialization file.
-view: Activates/deactivates X-Window System displays (deactivation of the display helps speed up computation.)
-laser: Enables simulation of the laser range finder. (Don’t use this feature if your real robot isn’t equipped with a laser range finder; the Simulator runs more efficiently without this feature.)

After selecting which optional command line arguments you want to specify, type

 baseServer -simulator 

with your chosen arguments following "simulator" on the second line. You’ll see the BeeSoft Simulator display window.

Undisplayed Graphic

Figure 6-1 - The BeeSoft Simulator™ Interface Display

Let’s go over the features of this display. In the main window, called the "playground," the simulated robot is represented by a small red circle. A line from the center to the circumference indicates the robot’s heading. When the robot "hits" an obstacle, the red circle turns orange.

Help: Displays a window with a short explanation of some of the BeeSoft Simulator’s features. If you’re new to the Simulator, click this button first to see lots of useful information about how to best use the Simulator’s features.
Zoom In: Lets you zoom into the "playground" environment.
Zoom Out: Lets you zoom out of the environment.
Grid: Lets you switch on display of the background grid that will help you accurately position the objects and obstacles you create in developing a realistic simulated environment. Each cell in the grid represents approximately one square meter. Seeingthe grid is very useful, because the active playground may not be as large as the window itself. The grid display is a quick and easy way to keep track of the edges of the environment, as well as a good guide for accurate placement of obstacles and other features in your simulated robot’s world. It’s a good idea to work with grid displayed.
Delete: Lets you remove an existing obstacle. Point to the obstacle you want to delete and click the left mouse button.
Deactivate: This is a toggle. It makes an existing obstacle become either invisible or visible to the virtual robot. To make an obstacle "invisible" without deleting it, point to it and click on (De)activate. To make the obstacle visible again, point to it again and click this button.
Control: Lets you reposition obstacles you’ve created. Click on control, click on an obstacle with your left mouse button, move it, then click again.
Insert: Lets you inset an obstacle into the "playground" environment. Rectangle: This lets you create a rectangular obstacle in the simulated robot’s environment. First, specify the upper left corner of the rectangle, then the lower right corner.
Trace On/Off: Lets you see a visual representation of the robot’s path, or track as it navigates throughout its environment.
Sonar On/Off: Lets you activate / deactivate the display of sonar readings. (Note: in any case, you will see only those readings reflected by an obstacle in the environment.)
Laser On/Off: Lets you activate/deactivate display of the readings from the laser rangefinder. (Don’t click this button on if your real robot isn’t equipped with a laser range finder; the BeeSoft Simulator runs more efficiently without this feature.)
Load: Lets you initialize your environment with a map file you previously built.
Save: Lets you save, in a file, the virtual environment-- the map-- you’ve built. When you click on this button, you’ll see a menu that lets you specify where you want the map file saved.
Quit: Exits the BeeSoft Simulator.

Along the bottom of the display window, you’ll see indicators, in coordinates, of the current cursor position and the current position of the virtual robot.

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